Technique, Tactics, Mental: Ultimate Winning Formula How to improve your Pétanque Game
SECRET Training Diary that helped 53-years old Dana to qualify to the World Championship REVEALED
Discover comprehensive Step-by-Step 3-months Training Program with regular Online Follow-up of a professional CIEP Trainer

Why one Day I play Well and the Day after I don´t touch a Boule?
We have developed and tested a winning Formula how to play better and have more balanced Game.
Dana is 53. She plays pétanque for about 10 years. She goes regularily to trainings based od CIEP Method about once a week, she plays tournaments with some good results, she participated on several CIEP workshops. She´s a shooter.
In October 2021 she came after one training to see me and she told me:
"I would like to qualify to the Women´s World Championship. Can you help me?"
"I’ve come up with my own way of following the Training program. It’s demanding, time consuming, fun, varied and helpful. I plan to continue this routine well after Week 12 is completed, making it an ongoing personal program."
Ron Rohlfes, USA
CIEP is regularily preparing members of national teams all around the world but never there was an individual player with such a demand.
Can we do something for Dana?
We have discussed this question with the President of CIEP and the staff in France. We have looked around if there is something where we could get the inspiration. Yes, there are training lessons, we are used to organize 4 – 5 days workshops in Sergines, in Prague and on other places, but we knew that this should be something different. Something more complex. A program which would help Dana to have better technique but also strong mental capabilities, motivation to continue even in difficult times, excellent tactics and better knowledge of herself.
And we have decided:
We have worked for several weeks on a detailed training plan. We have put together traditional and less traditional training situations. We have included into the training playing with closed eyes. Repeating throwing to 2 – 3 – 4 meters. Combination of games against virtual opponent and activities without competition, only with the aim to stabilize the performance. All this with only one objective:
To prepare Dana as good as possible to the National Women´s triplets Qualification in June 2022.
- We have created CIEP Performance Standard („PS“) in order to compare the results in the beginning and later on during the training process.
- We have launched CIEP Everyday Standard Training („EST“), very simple method that Dana could use on daily basis when there was not a meeting with the trainer.
- We have selected interesting pétanque matches on youtube and sent to Dana questions about tactics, psychology, behaviour on the pitch.
- We have come up with a new concept „Think like a Champion“.
"My game or throw now feels softer and more controlled. I love the feeling when my boule is guided over my fingers and "released" from my hand. And it really is a different sound when I play my boule with appreciation and "soul" like that. This is incredible to me and for this experience I am super grateful - regardless of results! "
Simone Gössling, Germany
Each week there was a question and special exercise about the motivation, management of stress and other important parts of pétanque performance.
Although it was sometimes very difficult for Dana and for us as the improvement in pétanque is not coming linear but rather in steps and sometimes you have to revers in order to jump up higher, Dana was improving every month. The results in the CIEP Performance Standard were getting better and better. And we have started to wait with impatience the Qualification tournament.
…and then Championship Day arrived
Nobody expected the team of Dana to win. There were much bigger favourites with experience from World and Europeand Championships. But the team of Dana was patient and steady. Dana was reliable in the position of the shooter, she communicated well with her team-mates, supported them and profited from the tactical and mental exercises she worked dutifully on the trainings…and her team qualified to the final!
The final match was very tight with equal score. And then came a crucial moment. The opponent´s boule was just in front of the jack at the distance of 9,5 meters. Dana knew that if she´ll hit it, her team will win and qualify to the Women World Championship in Thailand in 2023. She has concentrated and she gave to the throw everything she has learnt in the trainings.
The pleasure was unstoppable. All the emotions expressed in one moment.

In July 2023 Dana played on the Czech Women´s Triplettes Championship and she defeated successfully the Title and won it for the second Time. She played in the same Team accompanied by Alice, another Player trained by CIEP. This Victory gives them the Right to participate on European Women Triplettes Championship in 2024.

Was it just a chance or this could work also for other players? Would it be possible to transform it into ONLINE version? These questions did not let us sleep.
We went through the Training Diary of Dana in a detail. Again and again. We have disassambled it into pieces and put together again. We have modified it and decided to test it on more players.
We have chosen one young player from France, one women from U.S.A. and another one from Germany. We knew all of them from one of the workshops in Sergines.
Encouraged by the results we have decided to offer this training program also to other players interested in carefully elaborated online training program combining Online lessons and live ZOOM sessions with a CIEP trainer.
The program is called
CIEP Performance
CIEP Performance will help you
to have:
- better and more regular technique and game
- strong mental capabilities
- motivation to continue even in difficult times
- excellent tactics and better knowledge of yourself
Sounds good to you?
„The immense recent improvement in skill and progress is directly attributed to time and effort channeled through the current CIEP Performance training program. I have benefited enormously and desire that progress to continue!“
Ron Rohlfes, USA
What can you expect in CIEP Performance?
- 12 weeks training program - All the details you need for improving your game - technique, tactics, mental preparation
- Weekly Training Diary - 1 detailed training session per week including warm-up, training ateliers, Challenge of the Week, matches against a virtual opponent, one question to be realized by you in written helping you to find your motivation, manage your stress level, improve your mental force and be more consistent in your performance
- Establishement and regular review of your „CIEP Performance Standard“ (Week 0, 4, 8 and 12) - Performance Standard will help you during all the competition as YOU WILL BE AWARE OF YOUR CURRENT LEVEL OF GAME.
- „CIEP Everyday Standard Training“ you can use any day of the week with 3 options – oriented more on pointing, more on shooting or balanced. YOUR TRAINING CANNOT BE SIMPLER!
- Interactive Exercise Book to fill up your results, number of boules thrown, your impressions and evaluation of the Week. YOU AND YOUR TRAINER WILL HAVE UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RESULTS.
- VideoMatch of the Month (Week 4 and 8) – selected match of champions on youtube with targeted questions to be responded by you. IMPROVE YOUR TACTICS AND THINK LIKE A CHAMPION!
- 4 ZOOM Sessions with CIEP trainer (Week 0, 4, 8 and 12) where you´ll analyse online videos of your technique you will send us. ZOOM Session is an opportunity to discuss everything you want to ask the trainer. You will get specific tasks and exercises for the following 4 weeks depending on the analysis of the video. You will have access to link of each ZOOM Session so you can check it again anytime you want. UNIQUE POSSIBILITY HOW TO DISCUSS ALL YOUR QUESTIONS WITH CIEP TRAINER.
All this you will get in a personalised Members Section where you can log in 24h/24, 7/7
"For my part, very clear progress after our last session! I'm shooting much more consistently and my aim is also starting to improve. I'm much straighter at the target and as a result I'm more precise on the donnée I'm aiming at. I'm enjoying myself a lot more now because I feel I'm more relaxed in my gesture and have better control over it. If I can make a few more adjustments and get a bit more performance out of it, that would be great as we approach the qualifiers!"
Philippe Kozlowski, France

CIEP Performance is a unique and exclusive online training program combining thoroughly compiled with pedagogical logics and individual adaptation based on your current needs and necessities discussed with CIEP trainer on ZOOM Session.
The price of the program does not include yearly subscription to CIEP Association of 30 EUR. It is paid only once a year and is valid for all training camps and online programs.
Price of the 3-months program
1,750 EUR
The number of places to this exclusive program is limited and we won´t accept all demands. Each participant has to pass a Qualification ZOOM meeting about 15 minutes where we´ll see together whether the program is suitable for the player and for CIEP. We are looking for highly motivated players who are ready to work regularily on their improvement. If we will not recognize this strong will to succeed then we prefer to say in the interest of both parts that for the time being it´s better not to start the cooperation.
"Do you feel like being the right person to rocket up your pétanque performance in the following 12 weeks?"
Click the button (All Times are Paris Time) to reserve a spot for your Qualification ZOOM meeting

"I really enjoy the training and especially the video-match. It´s exciting!"
Simone Gössling, Germany
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is CIEP Performance for?
Shall I become a member of the national team as well?
Is the content of the program the same as CIEP workshop in Sergines or Prague?
When the program will start?
What if I won´t have the time to train?
How will CIEP Peformance work?
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Click the button (All Times are Paris Time) to reserve a spot for your Qualification ZOOM meeting

The Program CIEP Performance operated by CIEP is managed by Petr "Pjér" Fuksa in Cooperation with other CIEP Trainers.
- international trainer and promoter of pétanque
- champion of Czech republic in triples 2015, 2016 and 2020, vice-champion of triples 2021 and doubles 2017
- author of Pétanque Online School
- certified trainer of International pétanque federation F.I.P.J.P. of the highest third degree (the only one in Central Europe)
- president of CIEP Central Europe (International Pétanque Training Center CIEP is the only center approved by F.I.P.J.P.)
- trainer on international Trainings of CIEP in France, Czech Republic and other countries for individual players and national teams (Ukraine, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, USA, Slovenia)
- presented the rules of pétanque on the Czech TV Nova, published articles in Planete Boules, the most popular world pétanque magazine and other media

For more information please contact us: fuksa@petanque-pro-vas.com.
Com´médias, s.r.o., Wuchterlova 523/5, 160 00 Praha 6,
fuksa@petanque-pro-vas.com, tel: +420-602 261 925, Petr Fuksa
IČO: 26195852, DIČ: CZ26195852, Ochrana osobních údajů (podle GDPR), Obchodní podmínky (podle GDPR)